At Vittoria Beach during summer you can find the desired peace, far away from the stressful cities.
The beach resort is particularly suited for young people and families. There is a playground for children, two table tennis tables and two foosballs. The beach huts are all equipped with wam showers.
Opening hours: 9.00 to 19.00. Vi aspettamio!

In spring Vittoria Beach is always open during sunny days.
Moreover in the second half of April Vittoria Beach is turned into an arena for hosting the "Barrel On The Beach " , a spectacular equestrian event where hundreds of riders from all over Italy and from ' abroad compete in Pole Bending ( a slalom between poles ) and Barrel Racing ( a race around three barrels ) . In 2017 the Barrel on the Beach will be on 28, 29 and 30 of April.