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At Vittoria Beach during summer you can find the desired peace, far away from the stressful cities. 

The beach resort is particularly suited for young people and families. There is a playground for children, two table tennis tables and two foosballs. The beach huts are all equipped with wam showers.



Opening hours: 9.00 to 19.00. Vi aspettamio!


In spring Vittoria Beach  is always open during sunny days.
Moreover in the second half of April Vittoria Beach is turned into an arena for hosting the "Barrel On The Beach " , a spectacular equestrian event where hundreds of riders from all over Italy and from ' abroad compete in Pole Bending ( a slalom  between poles ) and Barrel Racing ( a race around three barrels ) . In 2017 the Barrel on the Beach will be on 28, 29 and 30 of April.

Barrel on the Beach 2017



Il Vittoria Beach si trova ad Arma di Taggia,

una perla della Riviera Ligure dove i colori dell'estate permangono tutto l'anno.

via Lungomare

Arma di Taggia, IT 18018

Per informazioni o prenotazioni WhatsApp allo 3331775256


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